Maths & Science
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Math & Science Apphirmations

  •  How do you feel as a parent if you see your child struggle with maths and science?

  • Would you like them to do well in these subjects?

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Why do learners struggle with maths & science?

We all want our children to do well at school, but there will always be subjects that some children  find more challenging than others. Two branches of study that seem to fall into this category are maths and science.

There are three common factors that lead to children having learning difficulties in these subjects. My Apphirmation programme addresses the following:

  1. The beliefs that youngsters have about maths and science and their abilities to do those subjects.
  2. Learners lack a proper foundation of the basics in these subjects. Children are moving from one grade to another without a proper understanding due to teachers being overstretched and not having the time to ensure that everyone understands what has been taught. These learning gaps lead to bigger problems as the child gets older and moves along the school’s syllabus.
  3. The learner has general concentration issues and/or learning problems.

How we do this…

1. Apphirmations

Beliefs play a huge role in how we create our lives. When children think/believe “maths and science are hard and/or boring”, they are not going to put much effort into the subjects. However, if they believe they can do it and these subjects are interesting, they will find the learning process that much easier.

The Maths and Science Apphirmations support learners to change their beliefs around these subjects. Before long, they will be grasping maths and science far quicker. They do this by listening to the Apphirmations subliminally, and to make it more accessible, they can have some music of their choice to accompany the course. Result!

This will also assist in preventing children from falling behind, especially during the foundation phase. To further aid this process, extra lessons or getting a tutor may be considered. We also have created Optimal Learning Apphirmations for improving concentration and learning in general, and improving the memory.

2. Brain Gym®

We teach the Brain Gym courses under the umbrella of Brain Gym in South Africa. This ETDP, SETA and SACE accredited programme shows children and teachers certain exercises that, used daily, can boost grades by 10%. Not only that, parents and teachers can learn Neuro Integration Movements – which is a great toolkit for reducing stress, improving concentration and increasing the joy of learning.

3. Solutions for General Concentration Issues

This multi-faceted approach is ideal for learners who may be suffering from ADD/ADHD, dyslexia or something else. There are several solutions to explore that can find a permanent drug-free solution. You can read about these on our ADD/ADHD page.


4. Bonus Visualisations

Our Maths & Science Bonus Visualisations will really give your child’s learning a boost and help them with their studies and overall exam success. When you envision it, YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT!

The bonus visualisations are as follows: 

• Study Visualisation

  • Exam Visualisation
    Rita has played the Maths & Science Apphirmations audibly from her phone in the classroom. This is what she had to say.

    IT WAS A WOW DAY !!!

    The kids were definitely more relaxed, focused and successful!!They understood the maths work easily!! They were very focused with their English writing work too. I also was very peaceful, relaxed and feeling happy.

    I played it on cell phone. Normal volume like a TV that is on, not turning it down. We worked with focus.

    One girl sometimes ignores me when she feels unhappy. Today she ignored me again after break time. A bit later I put the App on again. And now she joined in with the activity we were busy with.

    So it really works for me!! And I believe for her too!!

    The amazing part of the story is that the children in Rita’s class are DEAF!

    Rita Meintjies – Special Needs Teacher

    My daughter has been struggling with Maths for a few years now. Her last test mark was 22% and she had 37% on her report.
    Within a week of listening the Maths and Science Apphirmations, her all attitude towards Maths changed. When she wrote her next test, she had 50%.
    She hasn’t had a mark like that in years.


    My children listened to the Maths and Science Apphirmations on their way to school each day for 2-3 weeks.

    My daughter’s maths mark went from 30% to 58%. This is an 93% improvement. Her best in 2 years. She said that when she looked at the paper she could have gotten 67%. because she rushed through one section. Despite knowing the answers, she only gave part of the answer.
    My son is saying that he finds now that division is simple.

    I think my eldest daughter will also get a Natural Science and Geography award this year. Her mark has been the highest so far.

    Rehana Cajee

    My son listened to the maths and Science Apphirmations. He had to write a 4-hour admission test to get into the school of his choice. When he came back from his assessment, he said that some questions (maths) he struggled with before, he could now solve much better. He was successful with his admission test and could enrol into the school of his choice. 


    Listening to the Apphirmations for all ages

    They say when learning is fun it’s so much easier. And with that in mind, our Maths & Science Apphirmations can be played with music of your choice on the computer – check out the YouTube video below to see how you do this.

    See how to combine the Apphirmations with music on your computer